Sdgasedsfasdgaew Wikia
Ability Description
Empathic Illusion Casting

Danielle has the ability to create three-dimensional images of certain visual concepts from thoughts and emotional impressions within the minds of herself and others. Originally, Danielle could only create images of the objects of other people's greatest fears. Later, she learned how to reach into another person's subconscious and project and image of the object of that person's "heart's desire." Still later, Danielle learned to use her power to derive and project more specific images from another person's mind that were unrelated to such strong emotional states. Moreover, she learned how to project such images around herself and others in order to alter the appearance of herself and others.

Despite the fact that Danielle had to probe a person's subconscious in order to discover the mental image she wished to project, she wasn't a true telepath. Although she could consciously initiate the mental probing in order to find and project an image, the probing process itself wasn't governed by her conscious mind. Hence, Danielle did not consciously know what the image she sought in another person's mind was until its image actually appeared in three-dimensional form before her.
